
To get a feel for how you, or someone else, relates to others interpersonally, consideration of their Mars and Venus planetary placements are important. These two planets respectively emphasize our personal drive and tastes for ourselves and when dealing with others, as well as how those complementary dynamics interact. I've gone ahead and run through some generalities present for Mars or Venus in a certain element and sign’s energy. Also consider what house the planets are in, as the sign associated with that house will also flavor the energy. One should also definitely consider aspects made to other planets too, as the signs associated with those planets or points (and the sign/house they occupy) may also color one’s relating style. Furthermore, other personal points (like the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or even Mercury) could curve one’s style to include other signs’ energies and impressions. Have fun looking into the dynamics that seem present in lieu of this breakdown ;)

Mars in:

-Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): physically passionate about the present, sensual, and driven towards actual experience
-Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): intellectually passionate about ideas and possibilities, communicative, and driven toward social activity
-Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): emotionally passionate about relationships and the past, empathetic, and driven towards connecting intimately
-Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): enthusiastically passionate about activity and the future, energetic, and driven towards making things happen

Venus in:

-Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): loves the practical, physical, and experienced…values the present
-Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): loves the social, thought-provoking, and intellectual…values the possible/potential
-Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): loves the emotional, intimate, and connected…values the past
-Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): loves the exciting, energetic, and active…values the future

It can also be said that an emphasis on yang elements (fire and air) will generally make one more actively outgoing or extroverted, while emphasis on yin elements (water and earth) will generally make one more passively settled and introverted. Yang energies move out, while yin energies move in. Yang energies are a little louder, while yin energies are a bit quieter...overall! Here are a few other factors one could consider as I begin to look at the relational preferences exhibited by each specific sign in a general way as well...

Key for other Relational Factors:
M=monogamously inclined
P= polyamorously inclined
A=asexually inclined

T=traditional (straight, heterosexual, socially acceptable)
NT=nontraditional (queer, gay, bi, tantric)

(Note: the assignment of M, P, or A and G or S concerns the nature of a particular archetype’s style in general. There are exceptions for any and all cases, as any predominant sign could work in any orientation. Also, the “reason” behind various orientations for each sign is usually quite different, even though other signs may share a similar perspective. My “sorting” attempt primarily just considers the base nature of each sign’s energy, and what orientations would be most likely for a pure expression of that energy. No one is a pure expression of any of the 12 zodiac energies though…. As such, you’d want to consider the placement of Mars AND Venus (and possibly other personal planets/points), as well as their aspects to other planets/points, to get an idea of what energies are interactively activating. THEN, you’d be closer to reaching a likely prognosis for a quite potential actuality… Also, one can consider that certain times/events [through transit] or certain people [through synastry] may activate potentials that run contrary to one’s innate tendency. For example, certain key events/times/people may make an otherwise polyamorous person drawn to a monogamous interaction, or a rather monogamous individual may express an attraction towards polyamory. Similarly, an otherwise straight person may be pulled, through key events/times/people, to experiment with other sexual orientations, or one who’s sexual orientation has been more queer, fluid, or eccentric may find themselves drawn toward a more traditional expression. In general, these orientations all have to do with the openness of a particular sign, and whether they’re more geared toward exploration or expansion, while some paradoxes or exceptions may exist as well of course.)

1st/Aries (M, P, or A…and T or NT)=likes freedom, independence, assertiveness, adventurousness. Very active with partners doing any numbers of exciting and stimulating activities. Likes partners with a strong sense of identity who take initiative and make themselves

2nd/Taurus (M or A…and T )=likes security, sensual pleasures, shopping, plants. Enjoys being pampered with partners, slowly soaking up feel-good experiences. Likes partners that are solid, dependable, self-sustained, and easy-going

3rd/Gemini (P…..and NT)=likes learning, reading, writing, talking, variety. Enjoys stimulating conversations and learning experiences with partners, exploring curiosities and different information or perspectives. Likes partners that are diverse, stimulating, intelligent, communicative and paradoxical

4th/Cancer (M….and T)=likes family, home, emotional closeness, food. Enjoys emotional comfort and closeness with a partner, staying at home or lounging in bed. Likes partners that are calm, nurturing, intimate, and attached

5th/ Leo (M or P….and T or NT )=likes romance, fun, pleasure, acting, creativity, children. Enjoys large, extravagant experiences with partners, which often recognize special talents. Likes partners that are dramatic, have a big presence, fun, romantic, childlike, and creative

6th/Virgo (M [through devotion] or A [through purification]….and T )=likes order, organization, planning, efficiency, good work, being of service, crafts, self-improvement. Enjoys working with partners to get things done together, or focusing on practically beneficial activities. Likes partners that are devoted, organized, healthy, together, employed, focused on self-improvement

7th/Libra (M….and T) =likes being in a relationship, interacting with others, being social, art, color, symmetry. Enjoys being with partners in social environments and/or parties, or discussing contrasting and complementary ideas. Likes partners that are beautiful, social, harmonious, easy-going, balanced, compromising, and don’t promote aggravation

8th/Scorpio (M [or A for occult reasons]….and NT) =enjoys emotional investments, intensity, power, the occult, taboos. Enjoys emotionally and psychologically bonding with a partner, understanding them completely and being present with/for them during crisis. Likes partners that are intense, deep, psychological, investigative, taboo, transformative, powerful

9th/Sagittarius (P….and NT)=enjoys freedom, spirituality, philosophy, travel, other cultures. Enjoys going on trips or taking classes with partners, usually of a spiritual/philosophic nature. Likes partners that are explorative, open-minded, philosophical, cultured, visionary

10th/Capricorn (M….and T)=enjoys commitment, achievement, social recognition, power, prominence. Enjoys completing big projects with partners and achieving public/social/worldly recognition together. Likes partners that are leaders, goal-oriented, ambitious, hard-working, committed

11th/Aquarius (P or A….and NT)=enjoys the unusual, freedom, group activities, technology. Enjoys group activities with partners, as well as spontaneous experimentation with new experiences. Like partners that are similarly-minded, unusual, exotic, electric, friendly, spontaneous, community-focused

12th/Pisces (P or A [or M through devotion]…and NT)=enjoys spirituality, music, film, altered states, dreams, psychic phenomenon, or has unformed tastes. Enjoys being secluded with a partner, leaving the world behind to play with fantasy and imagination. Likes partners that are spiritual, glamorous, compassionate, easy-going.

Have fun relating to yourself and others! ;)