Elememts in Time through the Signs

My latest pondering has called me to explore the relationship of time as it relates to the four basic elements (earth, air, fire, water) and then more specifically through the 12 signs. Let’s dive in…

Each of the four elements has a strong correlation to a period of time:

Water=past (memories and “records” and emotional resonances that have accumulated throughout experience)
Earth=present (what is as it is…things being and acting in the present)
Air=possibility (detached ideas and concepts, more or less outside of time, that can be applied to present circumstances to refine their expression)
Fire=future (the most likely potential towards which a course will take extending forward, driven in some pursuit of desire)

The two yin elements (water and earth) pair in the sense that each present moment is built upon from the past, as one may look back at it to see how things have come to be as they are.

The two yang elements (air and fire) pair in the sense that out of the present (earthiness which IS) there are a boundless number of possibilities that can be acted upon to refine expression and lead to something new, which occurs in the future according to what line of desire and potential is followed through.

In such a way, life blazes forward into the future (fire) towards new possibilities (air) that are acted out in each present moment (earth), while a record of the past (waters) trails behind through memory…

Next, allow me to run through how each sign connects with its elemental orientation to time on its own, as well as in relationship to its stage in the larger process of life becoming:

Independently: individually oriented toward the desires and future action of oneself. Continually looking forward to “what’s next?” as one pursues all the different desires one seeks to experience.

Cosmically: represents the future desire of life to move forward, explore new terrain, and become something more than it once was

In the process: from the karmic clearing, dissolution, unifying, etc. the past in Pisces, Aries represents a “new direction” that’s built upon the dreams and glamorous ideals that surfaced most prominently as other influences and experiences were sifted away in the Piscean water. Aries is the future projection of what one wishes to become and experience as one begins to again move forward into the future.

Independently: individually oriented towards the present resources, abilities, and values that one holds. Continually preserving and maintaining “what is” as one works to solidify what one has.
Cosmically: represents the present inertia of life that seeks to stably establish itself and grow in pleasing ways that hold and embody the best of life

In the process: from the activity set in motion as Aries charged towards the future of fulfilling its desires, Taurus represents the accumulation of “treasure” and experience and personal possessions (tangible and non-tangible) that a person gains, and has present access to, as a result of reaching forward to actively follow Aries’ pursuits. Taurus is the present configuration of what one has obtained, holds to be dear and valuable, and keeps to develop further.

Independently: individually oriented towards all the possible information and opinions that can be known. Continually exploring diverse perspectives of “what’s possible” as one diversifies the variety of what can be expressed.

Cosmically: represents the infinite possibilities of knowledge and information that can exist in life to be expressed in an infinite amount of ways

In the process: from values firmly established through Taurus, Gemini represents the search to more fully know the “ins and outs” of those resources, while contrasting them against other perspectives that can also be seen, as a result of having the familiarity with Taurus’s baseline. Gemini is the possible extent of what can be known, expressed, and perceived.

Independently: individually oriented towards protecting and incubating/insulating everything that’s nostalgically nurturing from the past. Continually reaches back to hold on to soothing emotional experiences that have occurred.

Cosmically: represents the complete, recorded memory of all that ever has been in life, contained within one composite container

In the process: from the possibilities explored through Gemini, Cancer represents the past memory held, which resulted from all prior activity. From such, a new identity is built and nourished within, sensitive to protecting individual vulnerabilities and differences that were perceived in Gemini’s travels. Cancer is the inner identity stored from all its responses to various sensations and stimuli.

Independently: individually oriented to creating the next wonderful, fun, and pleasurable activity for future enjoyment. Continually reaches forward towards the next outstanding experience that reveals one’s specialness.

Cosmically: represents the desire of life to bloom out and show more and more of itself, while being pulled towards the hope, promise and joy sought as part of a brighter, fuller future.

In the process: from the past resonance with life recorded in Cancer, Leo represents the dramatic attempt to project the best associations and enjoyments forward. Leo considers the protectively guarded boundaries of Cancer, while reaching out from there to embrace the creation of something that will spotlight one’s special presence and individuality in the future.

Independently: individually oriented for analyzing and assessing one’s present circumstances. Continually critiques “what is” in effort to approximate one’s current understanding of a perfected condition. (Note, with Mercury as rule, and as a mutable sign, there’s an aspect of air to Virgo that looks at possibilities for improvement, continually seeking to refine what is into better and better versions)

Cosmically: represents the drive of life to actually and physically improve and perfect “what is” in the present, organizing all system components into orderly and efficient functioning.

In the process: from the larger estimations of creative potential reached towards in Leo, Virgo represents the physical work in the present that’s done to approximate the best expression of that endeavor in the here and now. Virgo molds the projected presence of grandiosity from Leo into an optimized, actual expression that functions in the present.

Independently: individually oriented to exploring the possibilities concerned with relating to others. Continually explores “what’s possible” as it relates to discovering one’s identity in comparison with another.

Cosmically: represents the drive of life to create balance through a symmetry that harmonizes all life in accordance with complementary expressions.

In the process: from present, practical improvements made in Virgo, Libra represents the intellectual exploration that refines one’s identity by “measuring up” in comparison with who others are. Social possibilities for being out in the world are also explored. Libra considers a new possible dimension of itself each time it measures its Virgo-driven perfection against a different person, discovering a new possible expression for who they are in the wake.

Independently: individually oriented to exploring the past components of who one is through psychological inheritances, as well as past entanglements in relationship with others. Continually investigates “what was” in order to get to the bottom of what needs to be released to make progress.

Cosmically: represents our past ties to other places, people, and events, as well as the karmic imprint those experiences left upon us in need of deeper excavation to transcends any lingering limitations.

In the process: from exploring that various relationship possibilities and orientations possible in Libra, Scorpio represents the emotional processing of past experiences in relationship to others, and how those interactions made a mark on us along the way. Scorpio severs ties to some past sources in order to move forward, while others that are more empowering have their connection strengthened.

Independently: individually oriented to embrace a future that expands the limitations of one’s identity in the most collectively inclusive way. Continually reaches to “what’s next” for growth and expansion of the larger whole.

Cosmically: represents the collective patterns and future vision for how life integrates itself together with other wholes to create larger and larger versions of the truth

In the process: from eliminating any ties to the past that are limiting, and strengthening others, in Scorpio, Sagittarius represents the future aim of enlarging the best, essential parts that deeply endured. Sagittarius looks forward beyond what has accumulated of great empowering value in order to reach dimensions which include and enliven those established truths into bigger patterns that reach new heights.

Independently: individually oriented to act in the present to achieve a goal and work through any obstacles encountered. Continually refers to “what is” in order to best realize how to make actual progress.

Cosmically: represents the slow, forward progress made by life to mature it’s creations to their peak of actualized becoming, while life slowly falls under the influence of entropy which slowly breaks form down as well, calling for continued uphill motion to retain physical achievement and progression despite time’s hardening inertia

In the process: from expanding the inclusive vision of what the future could hold with the best essentials of truth intact in Sagittarius, Capricorn represents the present efforts made to actualize one’s visionary ambitions in physical form. Capricorn focuses in the present to do the hard work necessary to attain the goal that’s set.

Independently: individually oriented to consider the possibilities for collaborating with others in effort to achieve a conceptually ideal variation of achievement, which benefits all. Continually explores “what’s possible” for radically revolutionizing ideas for refining collective expressions.

Cosmically: represents the new, inventive, innovative, spontaneous leaps made in life where an entirely new possibility explodes forth out of the existing attainment made thus far.

In the process: from the hard work done in the present to achieve a goal in Capricorn, Aquarius represents the sudden flashes of insight and change designed to drastically refine an expression that’s gotten very set and rigid. Aquarius shakes up the status quo of the present to consider novel possibilities that could allow for something new to come along.

Independently: individually oriented to float along and “ride out” the “waves” of any past actions that may pass in or out as one is washed about in the “tides” of karma. Continually reflects over “what was” in effort to more internally feel a compassionate at-one-ness with the necessity of what is from what was in ways the unite one with the cosmos.

Cosmically: represents the temporal culminating of all past causes as dreams come true or reveal their inability to do so, as all past karmas created work themselves out in the most compassionate manner possible, washing away all past discrepancies so that a “clean slate” will surface for the future.

In the process: from the liberating novelty of possibility for progress refined in Aquarius, Pisces represents the unwinding of all loose ends from the past that must eventually unravel for unity to exist. Pisces equalizes all success and failures as the past clears to make way for a new future in ways that blur the line between both into a transcendentally timeless “soup.”

In closing, I hope this little rundown has illuminated a new dimension to the relationships among the signs as it pertains to their various orientations to time, and unique ways in which individual signs express these themes ;)