Cosmic Emancipation

(Disclaimer: not everything has been tidily edited in this morning meandering...I just wanted to get some of these ideas "spit out." There may be areas of my speculation that could use further illustration or explanation, so feel free to ask questions or make comments that could round things out ;) )

Everyone got super jazzed up about 2012, which has come and gone. There were expectations then of some sort "end of the world as we know it" either by extinction/destruction or ascension/awakening. (Ironically, the label of "apocalypse" works for both scenarios, as it can mean final obliteration or divine revelation...)

Well, things have gone on since that date without any exponentially radical shifts thus far...but something still feels like a collective "film" (haha!) of "dead skin" is peeling off slowly...inching its way towards an "apocalypse" (with both destructive and enlightening possibilities looming as potential).

Here's what I'm getting to be coming: HUGE waves of collective emancipation, liberation, and graduation that allows for larger roles of inclusion and holistic assimilation....Throughout time, it seems that life continues to experience cyclic stages of becoming more and more free to experience a greater range of possibility. Whether it’s rocks to plants to animals to people or stone age to bronze age and so on, life evolves, outgrows some prior shell, and fills the next one, in a myriad of metaphoric manners. This seems to involve a raise in consciousness also, which is then simply reflected in the change in externalizations. However, until some corner is turned, life is “enslaved” to be contained in a position of less until the leap of growth can be made…

I think we are all here, in attendance on Earth, in excited anticipation of an approaching cosmic emancipation. It will liberate humanity, and the planet as a whole, to a greater state of collective brotherhood. I would even postulate that 2012 was just the turning point, when fear and darkness lose their grip and love and light gradually accumulate and concentrate. In this regard, we are then steadily approaching the ideals embedded in the archetypes of ascension, freedom, awakening, etc.

So how have we been “enslaved?” Control of information is primary. Those enslaved were traditionally not allowed to read and write in an effort to control what they know. Then it is easier to control their resources because they do not know the logistics involved with them. Therefore, this leap of freedom we’re coming to experience is a leap in our knowledge and understanding, as information that was not privy is made available. I believe this information will include some, if not all, of the following:

-technological advances that make free, clean energy accessible to all
-technological advances that solve a huge range of health crises
-admission of contact with alien beings
-admission of those in positions of power misusing and withholding our collective (individually compiled…) resources

Any of these “disclosures” made could waterfall into others, but the picture would also begin to change the way we perceive the past, present, and future. Along with these more physical reorientations will also come a spiritual reorientation. Just as when “slaves” are freed in any basic context, they assume a place of equality (gradually perhaps) among the “masters.” From a worldly perspective, that would be things on earth becoming a more “equal playing field” with the same access to all resources for all. Any services, information, or creations previously hidden and accessed only by the few would become accessible for everyone. From an esoteric perspective, this would also open the door for greater access to developing rapport with the divine, as the information previously suppressed in that arena would also be made more available and less discredited.

Think of it this way…When Jesus came along and started teaching people that they had direct access to God, all the Pharisees and priests who had been making money off being “intermediaries” got a little upset and miffed. Scientifically, if we’re collectively granted access to “free energy” that is readily available and accessible for all to harness, then the “new Pharisees” of the world (like the gas companies, the electric companies, the pharmaceutical companies) will lose their positions as the “intermediaries” collecting money from the monopoly on those goods/services. A whole new economical paradigm is approaching through this disclosure then as well…

If there are any parties responsible for the unauthorized hoarding of resources/information, I expect they made also be found guilty (the darkness is lessening and there are increasingly fewer places/methods to hide…), and so they may have to responsibly pay “reparations” to humanity. This could equal EVERYONE getting some financial funds that kick things off to a good start while we “re-invent” what “money” is perhaps…(In this respect, we could look at any misguided souls who hoarded and misused our resources not as “evil” people in the big scheme of things…but more like an ancient “savings account” that we’ve collectively agreed to “invest” in over aeons of time before finally collecting our return on the investment as things come to a climax.)

Besides being put on equal footing with all other people, the notion of having it disclosed that aliens have been (and are) in contact with humans (along with other “beings”…and we arrive at the knowledge/perspective to better discriminate and differentiate among them!), and have been involved in some of our technological advancements and whatnot, will also put us on more cosmically equal footing as being part of a bigger umbrella of life.

Additionally, if money matters can be put into a better perspective, the notion of debt begins to dissolve as well. No debt is owed to life…or at least the financial illusion aspect of it. Imagine a world without such debt and everyone has food, water, and shelter. The playing field then allows people to spend more time on self-knowledge, self-growth, philosophy, art, and general beautification. Without the “debt slave rat race,” humanity is freed up for further elevation. Perhaps more menial jobs can be robotically/electronically/technologically streamlined so that people are working at other things. In any regard, the effect of people having more time for themselves and to study and enjoy life is implied.

Spiritually, there is one curious piece to this whole notion of increased “liberation” that intrigues me. It’s often termed “ascension” in this context too…Anyways, by having more information and knowing more, consciousness is increased. The more consciously one is able to act, the less one should need to expect negative consequences from misinformed actions. In short, free will is allowed to thrive more as people are no longer “bumping around in the dark” in their approach to life and dealing with the adverse effects. The implications of these are that humanity and life is slowly less and less influenced by “fate” as they are increasingly able to access their “free will.” Gradually, I can imagine that as the material, financial concept of “debt” is dissolved, so will we dissolve other forms of debt, which are conceptually tied to “karma” and “fate.” Things may evolve towards a rather utopian ideal where the “effects” of our time without properly disclosed information can be healed and made right, allowing us to move forward with less “baggage” that ties us to it. Of course there continues to be reactions to all our actions, but when they are consciously informed, the actions taken are done so with more full recognition of their effects, causing us to act in ways that truly advance life and cease creating messes to be cleaned up.

Like children in a nursery school, we are growing up. We may have had one cosmic “parent” pulling us forward with another one holding us back, (while both “parents” remained veiled…), but things cannot be held back indefinitely. To the extent that “evil” does it exist, it is just the retardation of advancement, but it can never bring it to a total halt. Things have been slowed down, and we have been kept from a wealth of information and resources that would have us further along…but things are starting to speed up…exponentially, and we WILL see ourselves “caught up” before too long I expect ;)

2012 was just the energetic beginning…the first speck of dawn after the darkest point in the night. Things stay ignorant and hidden in the dark, and there’s plenty to fear there…As things continue to “lighten up” though, all energies based in fear continue to dissipate. All fearful justifications for lying and hoarding and attacking dry up. Those tactics continue to become more and more impotent. To contrast, love, light, inclusion, transparency, and all the like are becoming the energies to be danced in for life to thrive. Loving how the “play” unfolds…:D